Harshad Chopda, Pranali Rathod and Karishma Sawant starrer Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is getting all the attention. The show is set to take a big leap soon and Abhimanyu, Akshara’s story will come to an end. This news has left fans disappointed, but the story is surely moving forward. Akshara and Abhinav’s daughter, Abhira will now take the story forward. Samridhii Shukla and Shehzada Dhami will be playing the lead roles in the show after the leap. Harshad and Pranali will make an exit soon. Talking about the latest episodes, Abhimanyu and Akshara are all set to get married but Manjiri traps Abhimanyu in a fraud case to stop the wedding. Akshara gets to know the truth and is hurt because of Manjiri. Abhimanyu now gets to know the truth and he will break all ties with Manjiri.
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai promo
Earlier, in a promo it was shown that Abhimanyu and Abhir meet with a car accident and that is how they might die. Harshad aka Abhimanyu will exit this way from the show. Akshara’s character will stay in the show but Pranali will not be playing the role.
Aarohi to die in YRKKH?
While reports of Harshad aka Abhimanyu’s exit are doing round, it is being said that another important character from the show will die. As per reports in India Forums, Karishma Sawant aka Aarohi will also die in the show. A source close to the portal said that Karishma’s death sequence will be shot in a day or two and the viewers will be hooked on to their TV screens when this sequence goes on air. However, nothing has been confirmed yet about Karishma’s exit from the show. The actress herself has also not reacted to the same.
A look at actors who were offered Abhimanyu’s role before Harshad Chopda
New cast members of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai
The new generation story in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai will begin from November 6. Apart from Samridhii and Shehzada, the show will also star Shruti Ulfat, Sandeep Rajora, Preeti Amin, Preeti Puri Choudhary, Sandeep Baswana, Saloni Sandhu, Rishabh Jaiswal, Sikandar Kharbanda, Gaurav Sharma, Pratiksha Honmukhe will be entering the show as well. This is currently a big story in Entertainment News.
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai will soon take a leap. Abhimanyu will die in the show and as per reports, we will see another character dying before the leap takes place.