Samridhii Shukla and Rohit Purohit starrer Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been in the news. The show has been through many changes ever since the fourth generation leap took place. Earlier, Samridhii, Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe played the lead roles. However, later, Rohit Purohit and Garvita Sadhwani replaced Shehzada and Pratiksha. The story went ahead well and we saw so many changes in Ruhi, Abhira and Armaan’s life. Samridhii and Rohit’s chemistry won hearts. We had also seen that Rohit had gone away in the show as Shivam Khajuria had taken a break. He was supposed to return but the actor got some better opportunity and he decided with the makers to leave the show. For all the TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp.
Shivam reacts to Ruhi turning negative in the show
Post that Romiit Raaj has entered the show as Rohit. Post Rohit’s entry, Ruhi was shocked as all she could see was that Armaan is going far from her. Even though she knew Armaan left her and is all set to marry Abhira, she does not want to accept it. She wants him at any cost. Now, Ruhi is also ready to be back with Rohit but only to get Armaan back in her life. She is doing all the negative planning like a vamp to separate Abhira and Armaan. The change in Ruhi’s character has left everyone surprised. Now, Shivam Khajuria who played Rohit earlier has reacted to the sudden change in the character of Ruhi. He spoke to Filmibeat and said that he feels that Ruhi is negative is not exactly true for him. Shivam believes it is a grey shade where she also has her own reasons to do what she’s doing. However, he feels as an actor, it is a great opportunity for Garvita Sadhwani and she is going to ace it.
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Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai also stars Anita Raj, Sachin Tyagi, Niyati Joshi, Shruti Ulfat, Shruti Rawat, Rishabh Jaiswal, Sandeep Rajora and others. Shivam Khajuria who played Rohit earlier in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has opened up about the sudden change in Ruhi’s character.