Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai TV serial: For a long time now, fans are waiting for Armaan and Abhira to get married. They were a married couple, however, as Poddars objected to their contractual marriage, they opted for legal separation. However, they have fallen in love and want to be Mr and Mrs again. Kaveri aka Dadisa is not approving of their marriage. She dislikes Abhira and does not want her to be Poddar Bahu. So Armaan has now taken the step to leave the Poddar house forever. In a recent interview, Samridhii Shukla who plays the role of Abhira spoke about Armaan leaving the Poddar house and his Shaadi ultimatum. In a chat with Entertainment News channel Saas Bahu Aur Beetiyaan, Samridhii Shukla shares her views on the intense scene in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai unfolding in the Poddar house before Armaan leaves the home. Armaan (Rohit Purohit) has bought a new house and is going to shift into it along with his wife Abhira. He reveals the news the family members. Kaveri gets furious and how. She slams Armaan for his decision of choosing Abhira over family. Abhira who is standing at the door is quite shattered as Kaveri once again comments on her upbringing. Kaveri gets nasty and taunts Abhira left, right and centre. Armaan stands up for his love and asks Kaveri to not say a word to Abhira. Samridhii comments on this scene and states that it gets quite intense. She says that Armaan has now lost his patience and is questioning Dadisa as to why he cannot marry Abhira especially when she has saved lives of Madhav and Vidya.
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In the video, Samridhii narrates the further scene in which Armaan talks about their marriage. While leaving the Poddar house, Armaan hands over a red dupatta her stating that he would be waiting for her at the temple for marriage. Samridhii says that Arman sort of gives ultimatum to Abhira leaving her in a fix. She says that there is a pressure on Abhira as Armaan is waiting for her and then there is drama going on in the Poddar house, so it is quite difficult for her. Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is now going to witness major drama as Armaan has decided to leave Poddar house and marry Abhira.