Samridhii Shukla and Rohit Purohit starrer Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been getting all the attention. Abhira and Armaan’s wedding will happen soon. Currently, everyone is enjoying the pre-wedding functions and Ruhi is behind spoiling things every time. She does not want the wedding to happen as she wants Armaan back. Ruhi does not realise that she is using Rohit for her selfish benefits. She tried to get Abhira’s name changed by Dadisa and when she failed with that, she tried to steal the engagement rings. But failed there as well. She further went on to spoil Abhira and Armaan’s wedding card by not printing Abhira’s parents’ names. We also saw that Abhira wanted to host a function of her wedding on her parents’ behalf and hence, gets the permission from Dadisa to take a bank loan. Dadisa even becomes Abhira’s loan guarantor. However, it takes time for the process and meanwhile we see Ruhi making more evil plans by manipulating Sanjay to make prenup papers for Abhira. The prenup says that Abhira has to have babies immediately after marriage and she cannot work after the wedding. The prenup also says that if Abhira, Armaan get separated, the baby will be with Armaan.
Abhira sells Akshara’s Mussourie house
Sanjay manipulates Dadisa to get these signed by Armaan, Abhira. They get shocked and Abhira tells Armaan that she will not sign it at any cost as it hurts her self respect. They get into an argument and we see them coming back together as well. In the upcoming episodes of Rajan Shahi’s Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, we will see that Dadisa will threaten to withdraw as Abhira’s loan guarantor if she refused to sign the prenup. Abhira gets worried as she will not get the loan for the wedding. She will get help from Manisha and Krish but she will not take it as she wants to do it on her own. But Abhira will sell Akshara’s Mussourie hotel to get money for the wedding. Later, Abhira will celebrate and invite the Poddars for the wedding function. Dadisa and Ruhi will get shocked as Abhira gets money. Armaan will not be aware that Dadisa did not be the guarantor. This is going to be a big episode in entertainment news.
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Dadisa will ask Abhira if she got the loan and Abhira will tell her she did not get loan and it is still pending. Abhira will not let Dadisa’s truth come out in front of Armaan and impress her. Ruhi will get more irritated with this. YRKKH Spoiler 5 Sept: In the upcoming episodes of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, we will see that Abhira will sell Akshara’s house for her wedding leaving Dadisa and Ruhi shocked.