Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod left Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. It was a disheartening news for all the fans of Abhimanyu and Akshara. Now, Samridhii Shukla and Shehzada Dhami have entered the show as Abhira and Armaan. The new story has begun and people have loved the simplicity and positivity of Abhira. Abhira and her relationship with her mother, Akshara is so beautiful to watch on-screen. They both share a close bond and it is a treat to watch such a relationship. The character of Abhimanyu died but Akshara is still a part of the story. However, Pranali Rathod is not playing the role. Priti Amin has taken over as Akshara now post leap. Earlier, Priti spoke about how it was an over night thing for her to know that she will be playing the role of Akshara. She had also revealed that the makers wanted to cast someone who has similar face like Pranali. This was a big story in Entertainment News and TV news.
Priti Amin talks about her preparation for the role of Akshara
Priti Amin has now opened up about how she has prepared for the role of Akshara as it is an important role. She spoke to IWMBuzz and said that it was an over night thing for her and all she could do is watch a few episodes of the earlier Akshara in action to get an idea of it. She mentioned that she wasn’t given any specific instructions from the creative team to enact it the way Pranali Rathod was doing it. She added that the makers only expained the character of Akshara and revealed what they expected from it. She shared, “There was no emulation of how Akshara was played by Pranali. Wherever needed, the creative team guided me about the nuances and the needed reactions.”
A look at actors who were offered Abhimanyu’s role before Harshad Chopda
She said that basically it was the creative team who helped and she saw Pranali as Akshara. Priti further spoke about her bond with Samridhii. She said that they instantly became friends and the bond between Akshara and Abhira is more of friendship. She shared that only she and Samridhii were shooting in the start and they began to understand each other from the beginning itself. Priti Amin has replaced Pranali Rathod as Akshara in the new generation story of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. She opened up about how she prepared for the role of Akshara.