Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod won hearts as Abhimanyu, Akshara in Rajan Shahi’s show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. They had entered the show after Mohsin Khan and Shivangi Joshi left. They made us love the third generation of the show and made AbhiRa the iconic couple of TV. After Kartik and Naira’s beautiful story, it was difficult for the audience to accept a new couple but Abhimanyu, Akshara became an instant hit. Hence, the latest news about Abhimanyu and Akshara’s end had left fans disappointed. Yes, the show will take a generation leap and new actors will enter. The show will now be lead by Samridhii Shukla and Shehzada Dhami. Apart from them, Shruti Ulfat, Sandeep Rajora, Preeti Amin, Preeti Puri Choudhary, Sandeep Baswana, Saloni Sandhu, Rishabh Jaiswal, Sikandar Kharbanda, Gaurav Sharma, Pratiksha Honmukhe will be entering the show as well. This is currently a big story in Entertainment News. Harshad and Pranali made for an adorable pair on-screen and off-screen as well. They share a good bond and there have been rumours about them dating in real life as well. While the actors have denied it, but fans hope that this is true.
Harshad Chopda talks about marriage
Now, an interview of them with Anu Ranjan has gone viral. In the interview, Anu Ranjan is seen asking Harshad and Pranali about what they want from their life partners in real. Anu Ranjan asked Harshad if he never met somebody with whom he felt that he wants to spend his life. He shared that every time he felt in love he felt that this is the girl but it was not true. He said that he has always thought of marriage whenever he was with someone. He also added that he does not have an image of his ideal person and that the right one will eventually come when the time is right. Harshad was also asked if he would allow his parents’ interference in his married life. Harshad said that he stays with his sister and his father and they all have their own spaces. They stay like a bachelor life and when he will get married, his house will become like a complete home.
Pranali Rathod wants a joint family post marriage
Anu Ranjan further asked Pranali Rathod if she would want to be a part of joint family post marriage. Pranali shared that she used to stay in nuclear family and she always felt that she should have a big joint family. Harshad further added that his father and sister are waiting for the right girl to enter his house and his life. He said that she will be the most loved person in the house.
A look at actors who were offered Abhimanyu’s role before Harshad Chopda
Well, Harshad and Pranali’s plans about marriage are quite set. We hope our Abhimanyu and Akshara find their own beautiful stories in real life too. Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actors Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod opened about about their dream partners and marriage in real life.