Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh attended Banker and billionaire Uday Kotak’s son Jay Kotak and Aditi Arya’s wedding reception a few days back. A fan page dedicated to Deepika Padukone shared a picture from the reception in which Ranveer and Deepika can be seen with the newlyweds and their family. Ranveer can be seen dressed in black while Deepika can be seen wearing a golden lehenga. The fan page captioned the post, “Deepika and Ranveer at Jay Kotak-Aditi Arya’s wedding reception recently.” The wedding took place at Jio Convention Centre in Mumbai last week. Take a look:
Deepika and Ranveer at Jay Kotak – Aditi Arya’s wedding reception recently
— Team DP Malaysia (@TeamDeepikaMY_) November 15, 2023
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s pictures from a wedding surfaced online last week. However, it was not confirmed then that they attended Jay Kotak’s wedding reception. A fan page dedicated to Deepika Padukone shared pictures and videos from the wedding. In one of the videos, we can see Ranveer and Deepika posing with guests. In another, Ranveer escorting Deepika to the front and showing thumbs up sign on the camera while the guests take a selfie with them. The fan page simply captioned the post, “Deepika and Ranveer at a wedding reception last night.”
Deepika and Ranveer at a wedding reception last night
— Team DP Malaysia (@TeamDeepikaMY_) November 8, 2023
Here’s another video where Deepika and Ranveer Singh can be seen arriving at the party. “Deepika and Ranveer at a wedding reception last night,” the post read. Take a look:
Deepika and Ranveer at a wedding reception last night
— Team DP Malaysia (@TeamDeepikaMY_) November 8, 2023
Deepika and Ranveer celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary on Tuesday. The day also marked a decade of their first film, Ram-Leela. The couple revealed a bunch of BTS pics from the sets in which Ranveer can be seen posing with director Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Priyanka Chopra. They wrote in the caption, “10 years of Ram Leela – the one that changed our lives forever … in more ways than one!” Take a look:
Ranveer and Deepika got married in 2018 in Lake Como, Italy. After five years of marriage, they shared their wedding video in public on the first episode of Koffee With Karan 8.
Ranveer and Deepika were spotted at a wedding last week