A popular K-Drama that has almost reached the classic level is the 2020 series True Beauty. Based on a webtoon, True Beauty stars Moon Ga Young as a high school girl bullied for her appearance who becomes a pro at using make-up.
Hwang In Youp and ASTRO‘s Cha Eunwoo starred as the male leads, who both had a romantic interest in the female lead.
(left to right) Hwang In Youp, Moon Ga Young, and ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo |tvN
The series was so popular that many are still hoping for a second season of the show. The chemistry between Moon Ga Young and Eunwoo was so strong, in particular, that rumors have sprung up over the years of a real relationship.
Recently, everyone got reminded of this when the two stars appeared at the same event together!
Eunwoo and Moon Ga Young are both models for Hanwha Life Insurance, and attended an event the company held on May 1.
| @hanwhalife_official/Instagram
Each of the stars looked gorgeous individually, but combined, their strong visuals were almost too much to handle!
Hanwha Life Insurance Models #CHAEUNWOO and #MUNKAYOUNG attends the Hanwha Life “Signature Family Day’ Event” Celebrity Meet-up Fun talk show #차은우 #문가영 #MoonGaYoung pic.twitter.com/7RVRyx9qNO
— kiah23 (@mlek310) May 2, 2024
From the looks of videos and photos from the event, Moon Ga Young and Eunwoo spoke to the crowd and were interviewed by an MC. All of these moments were documented and shared online, where fans shared their excitement.
| @lovenunubear/X
| @lovenunubear/X
Near the end of the event, Eunwoo and Moon Ga Young took photos with the audience and posed close together, giving a real flashback to their on-screen couple days.
| @lovenunubear/X | @lovenunubear/X
Everyone is grateful for these new moments, and still hoping for more True Beauty!
Even after all these years!