Triptii Dimri is making all the right noises. After receiving love and appreciation from fans and critics for her role in Animal, Triptii will play the lead opposite Kartik Aaryan in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3. Now, in a recent interview with Vogue, the actress opened up about her journey in the industry and upcoming projects. She also spoke about the intimate scene with Ranbir Kapoor in Animal. Triptii said, “My parents were completely rattled when they saw it. We had to have a long discussion on why that scene was crucial.” Triptii added that she knows they are proud of her.”During the interview, the actress shared details about the time her “father called her on stage during a colony event to address the audience right after Laila Majnu had been released.” Laila Majnu, directed by Sajid Ali, was released in 2008. FYI: Triptii made her Bollywood debut with the 2017 film Poster Boys.
Recalling the incident, Triptii Dimri added, “He just wanted to show off, but I went blank. That’s how afraid I was. It’s taken a lot of time for me to get used to being in the public eye.”
Triptii Dimri also revealed that she was invited to the “red carpet event of an award show, last year, but not to the show itself.” She added, “It stung.”
Triptii Dimri, 30, also spoke about the trolls coming her way for playing Zoya Riaz in Animal. She said, “I’ve only received praise so far.” The actress added, “I know my reasons for doing the film. Sandeep sir [director Sandeep Reddy Vanga] was clear that it was going to be a small role, but I found the character interesting. If we start making decisions based on what audiences are going to say, then as actors, we won’t ever be able to do what we want to do.”
Talking about people questioning her decision to choose such a role after Bulbbul and Qala, she said, “I want to choose roles that push me out of my comfort zone. There’s a lot of advice on offer and I listen to it all, but it comes down to instinct. I might make mistakes along the way, but I’m allowed to.”
Triptii Dimri will be next seen in Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video opposite Rajkummar Rao.
Triptii Dimri played the role of Zoya Riaz inAnimal