Anushka Sharma’s birthday wish for her husband Virat kohli is the best thing in the Internet today. The Pari star, who never shies away from writing words of praise for her partner, did nothing different on his 35th birthday today. The actress shared a series of pictures of the cricketer including an adorable selfie with her along a lovely caption. t read, “He is literally exceptional in every role in his life! But somehow continues to add more feathers to his glorious hat . I love you through this life and beyond and endlessly so, in every shape, form, through it all, whatever it may be so.”
Take a look at the post below:
On the personl front, last month, Virat Kohli flew from Guwahati to Mumbai, reportedly due to a personal emergency. Several sites have also reported that Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are expecting their second child. However, the star couple have not addressed the rumours yet.
Last month, Anushka Sharma shared photos from her Ganesh Chaturthi festivities at home with husband Virat Kohli by her side. “Happy Ganesh Chaturthi,” she captioned the post. The photos went viral. Take a look:
Anushka Sharma married cricketer Virat Kohli in 2017 in an intimate ceremony in Italy after dating for many years. They welcomed daughter Vamika in January 2021.
In terms of work, the actress will next be seen in the sports biopic Chakda Xpress, her first project after the birth of daughter Vamika. The film is based on the life of cricketer Jhulan Goswami. The film went on floors last year. The actress also featured in a cameo appearance in the Netflix film Qala, produced by her brother Karnesh Sharma last year.
“I love you through this life and beyond,” read Anushka’s caption