Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s Tiger 3 is all set to breach the Rs 250-crore mark at the box office. The film, which is in its second week, minted Rs 5.75 crore (all languages) on Day 11, as per Sacnilk. With this, Tiger 3‘s total collection now stands at Rs 249. 70 crore. The third instalment of the Tiger franchise, after Ek Tha Tiger [2012] and Tiger Zinda Hai [2017], hit the theatres on November 12 [on the occasion of Diwali]. The film, directed by Maneesh Sharma, has Salman and Katrina reprising their roles as Avinash Singh Rathore aka Tiger and Zoya. Tiger 3 is also the fifth instalment in the Yash Raj Spy Universe which also includes blockbusters like Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan and Hrithik Roshan’s War.
Tiger 3’s collection on its second Wednesday witnessed a slight dip compared to its business on Day 10. As per trade analyst Taran Adarsh, Tiger 3, on Day 10 minted ₹ 6.60 crore at the box office. The expert shared a post on Instagram offering a detailed break-up of numbers of Tiger 3’s collection. He wrote, “Tiger 3 [Week 2] Friday 13 crore, Saturday 18.25 crore, Sunday 10.25 crore, Monday 7.25 crore, Tuesday 6.60 crore. Total: Rs 238.35 crore. India business Hindi version. Box office. Tiger 3 [Tamil + Telugu; Week 2] Friday 25 lacs, Saturday 50 lacs, Sunday 25 lacs, Monday 10 lacs, Tuesday 10 lacs. Total: Rs 6.45 crore.”
Meanwhile, Katrina Kaif has expressed her gratitude towards fans for giving her latest release so much love. In a conversation with news agency ANI, Katrina talked about the success of Tiger 3 and her cinematic journey. The actress said, “The Tiger franchise has only given me love since 2012! So, it is an amazing feeling to have received so much warmth for over a decade now. Ek Tha Tiger, Tiger Zinda Hai and now Tiger 3 are films that have been a part of my cinematic journey and growth as an artist and it’s something that I cherish greatly.”
Katrina Kaif added, “To have a successful franchise that gives us the opportunity to keep revisiting the characters is something I have been very fortunate to have in my career. Each Tiger film has challenged me physically and mentally. Celebrating this success and continued audience support is priceless and the joy, respect and appreciation the Tiger franchise has given me will always remain cherished.”
Apart from Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, Tiger 3 also features Emraan Hashmi, Simran and Revathy in prominent roles.
The film is third instalment of the Tiger franchise after Ek Tha Tiger and Tiger Zinda Hai