Salman Khan is all set to rule the big screens this Diwali with Tiger 3. From hair-raising action sequences to foot-tapping songs, the film has been making all the right noises. Tiger 3 will see Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif reprise their roles of Avinash Singh Rathore, aka Tiger, and Zoya, an ex ISI agent. Just a day ahead of the film’s release, film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh revealed that Tiger 3 has already sold 1.99 lakh tickets. On Saturday, Taran Adarsh shared a post on X (formerly Twitter) that revealed the advance booking status of Tiger 3‘s Day 1 at national chains. Taran Adarsh wrote, “Exclusive…Tiger 3 advance booking status at national chains… Note: [Sunday] Day 1 tickets sold…PVR Inox: 1.61 lacs, Cinepolis: 38,000, Total: 1.99 lacs tickets sold.”
#Xclusiv… #Tiger3 advance booking status at *national chains*… Note: [Sunday] Day 1 tickets sold…
⭐️ #PVRInox: 1.61 lacs
⭐️ #Cinepolis: 38,000
⭐️ Total: 1.99 lacs tickets sold.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 11, 2023
Before this, Taran Adarsh shared a post on Instagram that gave us a glance at the early numbers of the advance booking status of Tiger 3 for Day 1 and Day 2 combined. He wrote, “Exclusive… Tiger 3 advance booking status at national chains… Note: [Sunday] Day 1 tickets sold… Friday, 6 pm update…PVR Inox: 1.40 lacs, Cinepolis: 35,000, Total: 1.75 lacs tickets sold. Tiger 3 [Monday] Day 2 tickets sold…PVR Inox: 60,000, Cinepolis: 13,000, Total: 73,000 tickets sold.”
On November 10, a total of 1.53 lakh tickets of Tiger 3 were sold. Taran Adarsh wrote, “Exclusive… Tiger 3 advance booking status at national chains… Note: [Sunday] Day 1 tickets sold…PVR Inox: 1.25 lacs, Cinepolis: 28,000, Total: 1.53 lacs tickets sold. Movie Max: 3,200”.
The runtime of Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s movie has also been increased by adding additional footage. While the original run time of Tiger 3 was 2 hours 33 minutes and 38 seconds, the revised film duration is 2 hours, 36 minutes. Taran Adarsh wrote, “Exclusive… ‘Tiger 3′ run time increased – additional footage added… YRF has added extra footage [2.22 minutes] to Tiger 3… The original run time [certified ‘UA’ by CBFC on 27 Oct 2023] was 2 hours, 33 min, 38 sec… The revised run time [certified 6 Nov 2023], after additional footage, is 2 hours, 36 minutes, 00 seconds. First half: 1 hour, 10 minutes, 33 seconds. Second half: 1 hour, 25 minutes, 27 seconds.”
The advance booking of Tiger 3 began on November 5. Talking about the thunderous start, Taran Adarsh wrote, “Exclusive… ‘Tiger 3′ zabardast start…PVR Inox: 7,500 tickets [Sunday] sold. Delite – Delhi: 2,800 tickets. Prasads – Hyderabad: 1,470 [Sunday]. Other properties in Hyderabad turn Orange within hours [Sunday]. Imagine, full-fledged advance bookings are yet to start, but #Salmania is clearly evident. Tiger 3.”
⭐️ #PVRInox: 7,500 tickets [Sun] sold
⭐️ #Delite – #Delhi: 2,800 tickets
⭐️ #Prasads – #Hyderabad: 1,470 [Sun]
⭐️ Other properties in #Hyderabad turn #Orange within hours [Sun]
Imagine, full-fledged advance bookings are yet to start, but…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 4, 2023
Salman Khan unveiled the trailer of Tiger 3 last month. While sharing the video Salman wrote, “Tiger se dushmani sabko bhaari padti hai. This time it’s personal! Watch the Tiger 3 Trailer now. Tiger 3 arriving in cinemas on 12th November. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu.”
Tiger 3 is the third installment of the Tiger franchise. Backed by Yash Raj Films, the movie is directed by Maneesh Sharma. Apart from Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, it also features Emraan Hashmi. The film with hit the theatres on November 12.
The film with hit the theatres on November 12.