Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan fever refuses to die and it has all the right reasons for it. The Jawan craze can be felt among the audience across age and generations when they dance their hearts out to Jawan song in theatres. On Wednesday, Shah Rukh Khan replied to a few fans’ posts on X. A fan reshared a video in which senior citizens can be seen dancing to Zinda Banda in a theatre. The caption on the post read, “This video is really priceless and emotional. Some old aged people are enjoying Zinda Banda in theatre and dancing like a kid…. you are loved by people of all ages ,… literally A king. @Atlee_dir thanku Atlee sir for this lovepiece.” Re-sharing the video, Shah Rukh Khan replied, “Saw this video a few times over and enjoyed it every time!!! Very happy to see all you Zinda Bandas love the film this way. Thank u!!”
Take a look at Shah Rukh Khan’s reply here:
Saw this video a few times over and enjoyed it every time!!! Very happy to see all you Zinda Bandas love the film this way. Thank u!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 20, 2023
A week back, a fan club shared the same video taken inside a theatre screening Jawan, where senior citizens can be seen dancing to the track. “Kids to Senior Citizens all are dancing to Zinda Banda,” read the post shared on X (earlier known as Twitter). Shah Rukh replied to the post, “Banda Ho toh Zinda Ho! Thank you for celebrating the movie like this. Love to all of u…”
Take a look at Shah Rukh Khan’s post here:
Banda Ho toh Zinda Ho!!! Thank u for celebrating the movie like this. Love to all of u….
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 13, 2023
Earlier a fan posted a video of his 85-year-old grandmother who “loved” Jawan. Sharing the video, the fan wrote, “Dear Shah Rukh Khan. My 85 year old dadi is your biggest fan, she made sure that we take her to watch the movie. She loved Jawan and loves you too.” Shah Rukh Khan replied to the tweet and wrote, “Shukriya to Dadi… lots of love to her and hope I can continue to make her smile with my films.”
Take a look at Shah Rukh Khan’s post here:
Shukriya to Dadi… lots of love to her and hope I can continue to make her smile with my films!!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 11, 2023
Jawan is not only having a bumper run at the box office, but also it has touched a million hearts. At the Jawan press meet in Mumbai last week, Shah Rukh Khan summed up what Jawan means to him. He said at the event, “The essence of the film will come forward as we go along. But I want to tell you what Jawan means to all of us. Listen to it carefully. Genuinely I feel this – Jawan is a feeling which every Indian has. I think Jawan is an emotion, Jawan is an Indian soldier, Jawan is an Indian mother, Jawan is an Indian girl, Jawan as an Indian vigilante and you have to understand Jawan is many times weak as he is one of us and many times he is ready to fight. Jawan is many times wrong but Jawan many many times is also right.”
Take a look at the video here:
SRK Articulates the Essence of #Jawan in a Beautifully Expressive Manner ??@iamsrk @RedChilliesEnt @Atlee_dir#Jawan #JawanCreatesHistory #JawanPressMeet #ShahRukhKhan #SRK?
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) September 15, 2023
From Varun Dhawan to SS Rajamouli, from Shekhar Kapur to Mahesh Babu – celebs across languages lauded Shah Rukh Khan for his Jawan performance. Jawan opened to stellar reviews. Film critic Saibal Chatterjee, in his review for NDTV, gave the film 3.5 stars out of 5 and he wrote, “Who is better equipped to do all this than SRK, who, even when he plays a larger-than-life action hero on a mission to take down a powerful industrialist who has wronged him and his nation in more ways than one, can stay rooted in the real world and animate the canvas with humanity even as he projects an invincible, superhero-like persona?”
“Very happy to see all you Zinda Bandas love the film this way,” wrote Shah Rukh Khan