Teri Meri Doriyaan: After actor Jatin Arora, who portrayed the character of Veer in the Vijayendra Kumeria and Himashi Prashar quits the show, Prachii Hada, who beautifully essays the character of Keerat, also confirmed her exit. Prachii recently made some shocking claims where she bashed the makers of Teri Meri Doriyaan for lying about her character being one of the leads and how she was never given her due as an actor. Now a source close to the production team has refuted all the claims made by the actress and has accused her of having a starry attitude and tantrums. For all the TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp.
Teri Meri Doriyaan: Prachii Hada blamed of unprofessionalism
The source close to the production team of Vijayendra Kumeria and Himashi Prashar’s show revealed to India Forums that Prachii has made all false allegations against them. The source stated that Prachii was the one who never cooperated with the production. She always used to create fuss about her costumes and makeup and would never come on time on set. The source further accused that Prachii had an arm-twisting attitude which irked the production team, who then decided it’s better to replace her than constantly handle her unreasonable demands. Reacting to Prachii’s claim that her character Keerat was never given its due credit, the source said that the story cannot revolve around just one character. And whenever they did try to highlight other characters, the TRPs were not good. However, whenever they shifted the story to Angad and Sahiba, the TRPs used to be better, and hence they had no option but to keep focusing on Angad and Sahiba’s love story. The source also said that Prachii used to always compare herself to Vijayendra Kumeria, which was unreasonable. The same source praised Vijayendra Kumeria and Himashi Prashar for always being professional actors. The source added that the last blow in the final straw was when she demanded from the makers that they need to keep her on a fixed pay whether her date is utilized or not. This irked the makers, and they then decided to replace her. Contrary to Prachi’s claim that she voluntarily exited the show, the source said that the makers have replaced her from the show.
Teri Meri Doriyaan: After Prachii Hada accuses makers of false promises, a source from the production team hits back at her. Read on to know more.