Popular television actress Surbhi Chandna who is known best for her Naagin role in Ekta Kapoor’s supernatural drama is all set to tie the knot with her longtime boyfriend Karan Sharma. Surbhi is on cloud nine these days and is all busy with her wedding preparations. The actress was spotted at a temple with Karan and the two took blessings for their new beginnings. Recently, in an interview with Times of India TV, Surbhi spoke about her marriage preparations and expressed her excitement over the same. BollywoodLife brings to you all the latest entertainment news updates. Join us on WhatsApp Surbhi was quoted saying, ‘Preparations ke baare me mat pucho, bohot stressful hai sab. Mere toh baal safed hogaye hai. Shadi ki planning bohot mushkil hoti hai yaar. But thik hai yaar. Jo bhi hai acha hai and finally ho raha hai. Naagin ko ladka mil gaya hai and sab bohot acha hai’. Surbhi left her fans surprised as she made her wedding announcement a few days ago.
Watch Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma’s pre-wedding photoshoot
In a post that Surbhi shared on social media she wrote, ‘Adding colours to his life since 13 years. Our forever begins now’. Within no time, Surbhi’s friends and her fans poured congratulatory messages in the comment section. Well, Surbhi and Karan paint the two red with their love and look madly in love with each other. Surbhi and Karan dated for over 13 years and later the former shifted to Karan’s building and bonded with his mother. They first met when Karan’s mother invited Surbhi to their home for her son’s birthday. The two started as friends and later fell in love. On the work front, Surbhi has been seen in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashman, Naagin, Ishqbaaz and more shows.
Actress Surbhi Chandna spoke her heart out about her wedding preparations with her longtime boyfriend Karan Sharma. Here’s what she said.