Bollywood actor Sunny Deol made a massive comeback with 2023’s Gadar 2. The actor is now all geared up to ensure that his new innings in Bollywood gets bigger and better with each film. Although, except for Gadar 2, Sunny wasn’t a part of many blockbuster films, he was a big rage back in the 90s. Be it Damini or Jeet, Sunny was known for his impeccable acting skills, powerful dialogues, and delivering successful films at the box office. As a person, Sunny is known to be quite reserved and quiet. However, did you know he once admitted to keeping a watchful eye on one of his female co-stars due to this reason
Sunny Deol admits to keeping an eye on his female co-star due to THIS reason
During one of his past appearances on Aap Ki Adalat, Sunny Deol shared an interesting anecdote about his film Chaalbaaz, which was released in 1989. Sunny revealed that during the shoot, he informed his co-star Sridevi that he would not spare her and would keep a watchful eye on her. The actor recounted how his Chaalbaaz crew once pulled an upmanship prank on him. The actor sensed that even co-star Sridevi was a part of it, and he warned the actress to be aware of him. Sunny said to Sridevi that whatever she does from now onwards, even he will repeat the same things. Sunny recalls because Chaalbaaz was of that genre, it wouldn’t matter if anyone from the cast and crew would do a one-upmanship. Sunny mentioned he said to Sridevi how his one eye would always be on his back. Directed by Pankaj Parashar, Chaalbaaz was a slapstick film. Apart from Sunny Deol and Sridevi, the film also featured south star Rajinikanth. The film was said to be loosely based on Hema Malini’s Seeta Aur Geeta. The story was about twin sisters Anju and Manju who get separated at birth. While Sridevi won the Filmfare Award for Best Actress, Saroj Khan won the Best Choreographer award for Chaalbaaz. On the work front, Sunny Deol will feature in films like Baap, Lahore 1947, and Soorya. Preity Zinta is rumoured to star in Lahore 1947 opposite Sunny Deol.
Gadar actor Sunny Deol recently admitted to keeping an eye on one of his female co-stars. The actor reveals the reason why. Read on to know more.