Stree 2, starring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, has turned into one of the biggest Bollywood hits of 2024. The movie, which is a sequel to the 2018 hit film Stree, has collected over Rs 520 crore net worldwide and is still running strong. Directed by Amar Kaushik, the horror-comedy has managed to win over audiences once again, just like the first film did back in 2018. With a worldwide total of over Rs 750 crore, the cast is also being praised for its amazing performances. The cast includes Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor, Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee, and Aparshakti Khurana. After the success of Stree in 2018, many people wondered if a sequel could ever match the original’s charm. In a recent interview with Pinkvilla, director Amar Kaushik shared that even the cast, including Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, had doubts about a sequel. “All actors, at one point in time, had given up on the possibility of the sequel. With the kind of love that they had received, they were like, Will we get the same sort of love again? There was a fear that the validation of the first part could also go away. I knew it from day one that it was going to be a lot of pressure, revealed the Bhediya director. Despite these doubts, the director knew there was a lot of demand from fans for a sequel. He further told the entertainment news portal that he had already prepared his writer, Niren Bhatt, for the pressure they would face. According to Kaushik, he told his team and Bhatt to treat Stree 2 as a completely new movie and not just a continuation of the first. The release of Stree 2 has been a massive success, but it hasn’t been without drama. There had been a PR battle between the lead actors on social media over who deserved to be credited for the film’s success. However, director Amar Kaushik clarified that this didn’t affect the team’s unity. The Bala director stated that such things happen due to external influencers.
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Meanwhile, Stree 2 also has cameo appearances by Varun Dhawan and Akshay Kumar. During the trailer launch, producer Dinesh Vijan confirmed that they already have plans for Stree 3. In an interview, Stree 2 director Amar Kaushik makes shocking revelations about how the cast had almost given up on the sequel being made. Read to know why.