It looks like female fans of Korean star Lee Sang Yeob are in for heartbreak. The actor has confirmed that he is marrying his non-celebrity girlfriend in March. Through the years, he has worked in shows like My Lovely Boxer, Sixth Sense, Once Again, Eve, While You Were Sleeping, and Love Affair In The Afternoon. In September 2023, he said that he would tie the knot in March 2024. His agency UB Management Group has also confirmed the same. The wedding date is March 24, and it will happen at a hotel in Jamsil, Seoul. It was mentioned that it is private low-key event as his lady love is not from the entertainment industry. Yoo Jae-Suk who is one of the most prominent figures is going to host the wedding ceremony. It seems the star himself handed over wedding cards to his close circle of celeb friends.
Quick marriage for Lee Sang Yeob and his girlfriend
Lee Sang-Yeob spoke at length about his relationship on the show, Omniscient Interfering View. It seems the relationship progressed naturally and quickly between the two. It took the couple less than a year to decide that they wanted a future together. While they did not have marriage on their mind as they began dating but soon they were discussing wedding dates. He described her as a smart, logical, considerate and a woman with good communication skills. He said, “I’m comfortable when I’m with her. I feel at ease. And above all, it’s fun to spend time with her. Whenever she explains things to me, I have no trouble understanding. Even when I’m being silly, she knows how to talk me out of it. And I end up listening to her like she’s my religion.”
Fortune teller predicts marriage
Way back in 2021, he was on a show Sixth Sense, where a fortune teller told him that he would surely get hitched in the coming three years. It looks like everything has fallen into place.
South Korean actor Lee Sang Yeob is tying the knot with his girlfriend on March 24, 2023. This is how top astrologer’s prediction came true