Shehnaaz Gill has been admitted to the hospital after her super hectic promotion for her second film, Thank You for Coming. The Bigg Boss 13 fame was seen doing Instagram live and talking to her fans, where Anil Kapoor too joined the live and mentioned Shehnaaz and how people are loving her role. Shehnaaz, who gave her 100 percent to the film and was entirely committed to the tireless promotion of the film, is advised to take ample rest as the continuous strenuous work has affected her health. Shehnaaz was unwell during the promotion of the film as well, but she avoided until she could and her fans are now praying for her to get well soon.
Anil Kapoor’s daughter and producer, Rhea Kapoor, was spotted outside the hospital last evening, where she had gone to meet Shehnaaz. The video of Rhea leaving the hospital has been going viral on social media. Shehnaaz Gill fans are extremely worried about her well-being, but it’s nothing major, and soon the actress will be back and kickstart her work.
Watch the video of Rhea Kapoor leaving the hospital after meeting Shehnaaz Gill.
Shehnaaz Gill had become unstoppable over these years, and she was trying to prove a point of being capable of achieving big things, and she has. But for now, all her fans and well-wishers want her to stop, calm down, and focus on her health. Shehnaaz has also lost oodles of weight, and that is also one of the reasons for her being hospitalised. The actress seems to avoid eating food, and this is something that has affected her health claim reports. For now, people are raving her small yet significant role in Thank You for Coming starring Bollywood actress Bhumi Pednekar in the lead.
Thank You For Coming actress Shehnaaz Gill has been hospitalised; producer Rhea Kapoor makes her visit to have an update on her wellbeing.