After owning the stage with his dance moves to Chaleya at Jawan event on Friday, Shah Rukh Khan is now back to answer his work call. On Sunday evening, the 57-year-old actor took time off his busy schedule to reply to fan wishes and messages. Trust Shah Rukh Khan to win you over with his adorable replies and he won’t disappoint. On Sunday, a fan page shared a video of some girls shaking a leg to Pathaan song Jhoome Jo Pathaan in their school uniforms along with the caption, “Primary students Kendriya Vidyalaya Vasant Kunj enjoying Fun Day.” Replying to the cute video Shah Rukh Khan thanked the little ones for dancing to his song and also put forth a new request. Yes, he requested them to dance to Jawan song Zinda Banda. Shah Rukh Khan’s reply read, “Thank u so much little ones!!! Glad u had a ‘fun day’ dancing to Jhoome Jo Pathaan!!! Now for Zinda Banda please.”
See the adorable X exchange between Shah Rukh Khan and his fan:
Thank u so much little ones!!! Glad u had a ‘fun day’ dancing to Jhoome Jo Pathaan!!! Now for Zinda Banda please??
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 17, 2023
However this was not all. Another fan posted a picture of herself and wrote how she went to see Jawan alone. He text read, ” watched it alone as usual. The person next to me ask: Do you like Indian films or is it just Shah Rukh Khan? He knew the answer. Always and forever Shah Rukh Khan.” Replying to her SRK wrote, “Thank u so much…. My films can be enjoyed alone too I’ve been told… because while I might be on screen, I like to think I’m with u in your hearts too!!! Ha ha.”
Read the tweet below:
Thank u so much…. My films can be enjoyed alone too I’ve been told… because while I might be on screen, I like to think I’m with u in your hearts too!!! Ha ha
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 17, 2023
ICYMI, some other adorable exchanges between the man of the hour and his fans:
Thank u and big hug to each of them…. Glad I can bring a smile to their faces through my movies!!!! Guwahati, please convey my love and immense gratitude to them!!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 17, 2023
Thank u!! Wishing them a very Happy Anniversary!! Happy she likes Besharam Rang…. But what’s her favourite song from #Jawan?
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 17, 2023
The Atlee directorial, which was released in theatres on September 7, earned ₹ 30.10 Crore on Saturday at the domestic box office, Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh noted. He wrote on Instagram that Jawan “is now chasing lifetime record set by Pathaan.” Taran Adarsh further noted that Jawan’s Saturday earnings at the box office has grown “multifold” and it is all set to cross the 400 Crore mark on Sunday. He signed off the post by saying, “500 cr is very much within reach.”
Taran Adarsh’s post read, “IT’S SRK VS SRK… ‘JAWAN’ VS ‘PATHAAN’… #Jawan is now chasing the record / lifetime biz set by #Pathaan… Biz on [second] Sat GROWS MULTIFOLD, all set to cross ₹ 400 cr TODAY [Sun]… ₹ 500 cr is very much within reach… [Week 2] Fri 18.10 cr, Sat 30.10 cr. Total: ₹ 396.18 cr. #Hindi. #India biz.”
See what he posted here:
IT’S SRK VS SRK… ‘JAWAN’ VS ‘PATHAAN’… #Jawan is now chasing the record / lifetime biz set by #Pathaan… Biz on [second] Sat GROWS MULTIFOLD, all set to cross ₹ 400 cr TODAY [Sun]… ₹ 500 cr is very much within reach… [Week 2] Fri 18.10 cr, Sat 30.10 cr. Total: ₹ 396.18 cr.…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 17, 2023
Jawan has been shattering box office records ever since it was released – it is Bollywood’s biggest opener and fetched its fastest ₹ 300 crore. Many of the records Jawan is smashing are already owned by Shah Rukh Khan – his previous release Pathaan reset box office benchmarks that are now being demolished by Jawan.
“Glad u had a fun day dancing to Jhoome Jo Pathaan,” wrote Shah Rukh Khan