On the eve of Karan Johar’s directorial debut Kuch Kuch Hota Hai completing 25 years, the director held a special screening of the film for the audience in Mumbai on Sunday evening. The fans were however pleasantly surprised when the film’s star cast, Shah Rukh Khan and Rani Mukerji, along with Karan Johar, turned up at the theatre to talk about the film’s journey. On the occasion, Shah Rukh talked about the importance of the film in their lives and about the bond the shares with Karan Johar. The actor, who has delivered two massive blockbusters Jawan and Pathaan this year, said, “We make films, some get forgotten in time, some do very well at that time and some just don’t do good at all. But this film (Kuch Kuch Hota Hai) has stood the test of time. It has aged nearly as good as Karan has.”
Shah Rukh Khan continued, “Many think Karan is my friend. But it was his father Yash Johar was my friend. To me this film was important because Karan at that time was 23-24 years old and I have a son now Aryan, who is that old. Now when I look back upon it, I feel very happy, very proud as I launched a young son because I was a little more established than Karan was at that time.”
Though actress Kajol gave the event a miss, Shah Rukh Khan and Rani Mukerji put their best fashion foot forward as they attended the screening. Shah Rukh Khan kept it simple in a black jacket and jeans while Rani opted for a stunning white and black saree.
A picture of the trio from the special night was shared by Dharma Production’s Instagram page. The caption read, “Bohot kuch hota hai seeing them all in one frame!(A lot happens after seeing them all together in one frame.” Missing our Anjali the most today! The celebration of pyaar (Love) & dosti (friendship) just got bigger & grander for #25YearsOfKuchKuchHotaHai.”
See Shah Rukh Khan and Rani pose with their director Karan Johar:
Besides Shah Rukh Khan, Karan Johar also addressed the audience on the special day and thanking the film’s lead cast for taking out time for the screening said, “This film is very special to me, it was my first film. It’s what began my journey.” Recalling a peiece of advice given by his dad Yash Johar, Karan said, “My father I remember telling me that yeh agar average bhi jayega na toh samajh le tera career hain ( My father I remember telling me that if the film fares even average, it will mean your career will take off). But I am glad it did well and I had a film.”
The special screening of the film was held on Sunday night with the tickets priced at Rs 25 only. A source said, “The low price point must have played a part. It’s unbelievable for moviegoers that they will get to see the film in a swanky multiplex for just ₹ 25.”
The source added, “Many moviegoers were too young or were not even born when it was released in 1998. Hence, they either don’t vividly remember or have never seen the film on the big screen. And of course, Shah Rukh Khan’s presence in the lead along with Kajol and Rani Mukerji and association of Karan Johar as the director, all of whom are going strong even today, also must have been another reason why the shows got house full immediately.”
Apart from Shah Rukh, Kajol and Rani Mukerji, the movie also features Salman Khan, Archana Puran Singh, Anupam Kher, and Johny Lever.
“This film has stood the test of time,” said SRK at Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Special Screening