It was a star-studded night in Mumbai as Bollywood stars assembled under one roof to attend a grand screening of the film Dhak Dhak. The upcoming slice-of-life drama that stars a ensemble cast including Ratna Pathak Shah, Dia Mirza, Fatima Sana Shaikh, and Sanjana Sanghi, is gearing up for its grand theatrical release, this weekend. Ahead of the release, the makers of the movie held a screening in Mumbai on Tuesday. Shabana Azmi, who delivered a stellar performance in the Karan Johar directorial Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, was one of the guests who turned up for the screening. The veteran actress looked lovely in red. Vidya Balan also marked her presence at the screening and looked lovely in a printed dress.
Here are some pictures from the night:
Besides the star cast of the movie namely Dia Mirza, Ratna Pathak Shah, Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanjana Sanghi who made heads turn in their stylish best, Mumbai Diaries star Shreya Dhanwanthary also attended the screening to cheer for her friends.
See how the star cast turned up for the event:
The makers unveiled the trailer of the film on Monday. The trailer introduces us to four ordinary women, who come together for an extraordinary journey to the highest motor-able road in the world. Ratna Pathak plays Mahi or Biker Nani, who expresses her desire to visit Khardung La to Sky (Fatima Sana Shaikh), a travel vlogger. In a struggle to get their bike fixed, they encounter a housewife Uzma (Dia Mirza), who has been introduced as a “jugaadu mechanic.” Next to join their group is a young Manjari (Sanjana Sanghi), who is a first-time solo traveller. They embark on a life-changing trip to Leh’s Khardung La, the world’s highest motorable pass.
Check out the trailer here:
Dhak Dhak is directed by Tarun Dudeja. Taapsee Pannu’s Outsiders Films has produced the film in collaboration with Viacom18 Studios and BLM Pictures.
The makers unveiled the trailer of the film on Monday