Ahead of the teaser release of historical drama Sam Bahadur, Vicky Kaushal treated his Instafam to two new posters from the film. Directed by Meghna Gulzar, the teaser of the film will be released on October 13. Sam Bahadur is based on the life of India’s first field marshal, Sam Manekshaw. Vicky Kaushal, playing the titular role in the film, shared an image where he can be seen standing with his back to the camera. Dressed as his part, Vicky Kaushal can be seen holding a baton. The image has a caption written in Hindi over it. It says, “Zindagi unki, Itihaas hamari (His life, our history)” Vicky Kaushal wrote in the caption, “To a life well lived! #SamBahadur.”
Take a look at the post here:
Vicky Kaushal shared another poster featuring a close-up shot of himself. Needless to say, his intense look in the poster caught our attention. Vicky Kaushal wrote in the caption, “His Life. Our History #SamBahadur Teaser out tomorrow.” Sanya Malhotra, who plays a pivotal character in the movie, dropped a folded hands emoji in the comments section. Vicky’s brother Sunny Kaushal wrote, “Oh wowwww.” Take a look at the post here:
Vicky Kaushal, Fatima Sana Shaikh, Sanya Malhotra and Meghna Gulzar wrapped the shoot of the film in March with a lavish party. The inside pictures from the party went viral. Sharing two images, one with Vicky Kaushal and Fatima and another with Meghna, Sanya wrote, “It’s a wrap. I feel lucky to have worked with the best people. Can’t wait to share this journey with all of you on 1st December 2023”. Take a look at the post here:
Fatima Sana Shaikh shared some pictures as well with the cast and the director. In her last slide, she also gave the fans a glimpse of the teaser of the film. Sharing the images, she wrote, “And it’s a wrap!! “. Take a look at Fatima’s post here:
This is the second time that Vicky Kaushal has teamed up with Meghna Gulzar for a project. Earlier, they had worked together in the film Raazi, also featuring Alia Bhatt. Sam Bahadur is based on the life of India’s first field marshal, Sam Manekshaw. Sanya Malhotra plays the character of Silloo Manekshaw while Fatima Sana Shaikh plays the character of Indira Gandhi.
The film is directed by Meghna Gulzar