Salman Khan‘s security has been beefed up after the firing incident outside his residence in Galaxy Apartment, Mumbai. On April 14, early in the morning, two men opened fire towards Salman Khan’s house from the outside. Nobody got hurt in the incident, however, it shook many. In the investigation began and the two gunmen were identified through the CCTV footage. The latest is that the two accused identified as Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal from Bihar were arrested in Gujarat’s Bhuj district. They have now been brought to Mumbai for further investigation. Mumbai Police carried out a press conference to give the latest updates in the case. BollywoodLife is available on WhatsApp. Get all the latest Entertainment News updates ASAP. Lakhmi Gautam, Joint Commissioner of Police revealed during the press conference that around 4.50 am on April 14, two men riding on a motorcycle, fired towards Salman Khan‘s house. He revealed that a total of five rounds were fired by the man sitting behind. The case was then handed over to Crime Branch. Further, Lakhi Gautam revealed that the accused carried out a total of three rounds of recce before carrying out firing incident. He also mentioned about the the post allegedly made by Anmol Bishnoi on Facebook taking the responsibility of the case. As reported by ANI, a case has been filed against Anmol Bishnoi, who is the younger brother of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. Anmol Bishnoi’s role in prima facie is visible but further investigations will be carried out.
Here’s the video from the press conference.
#WATCH | Mumbai: Case of firing outside the residence of actor Salman Khan: Lakhmi Gautam, Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) says, “…A total of five rounds were fired by the accused. Later on in the day Anmol Bishnoi also wrote on Facebook regarding this incident…We’ve
ANI (@ANI) April 16, 2024
#UPDATE | A case has been registered against Anmol Bishnoi in connection with the firing incident outside the house of actor Salman Khan on April 14. He wrote on Facebook regarding this incident and used threatening language: Mumbai Police Anmol Bishnoi is the younger brother
ANI (@ANI) April 16, 2024
Check out video of Salman Khan’s security below:
Earlier, the images of the accused were released on social media. While Salman Khan’s hasn’t directly commented on the incident, brother Arbaaz Khan stated that the family has taken aback and is worried. The two accused in Salman Khan’s house firing incident have been brought to Mumbai after arrest in Gujarat. The Mumbai Police have given the latest update in the investigation.