The demise of Suhani Bhatnagar has left netizens in disbelief. The young lady played the role of young Babita Phogat in the film, Dangal. She was chosen from 25,000 kids for the role. At 19, Suhani Bhatnagar died at Delhi’s AIIMS due to fluid build-up in her lungs. While initial reports said that she got adverse reactions due to medicines for a fracture, her father has confirmed the real cause to a news channel. It seems she had developed dermatomyositis, an auto-immune disease. Aamir Khan Productions put up a note confirming her demise. They said that they would always remember her as a star, and called her a team player.
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Babita Phogat condoles the demise of Suhani Bhatnagar
She wrote that the untimely demise of Suhani Bhatnagar who played the young Babita in Dangal is a matter of grief. She said she is shocked beyond words. Babita Phogat said she prayed for the peace of the departed soul and hoped that the family would find strength in this devastating moment. Her father said that she had initially developed a swelling on her hand. The doctors did not worry much but then the swelling spread to all parts of her body. None of the local doctors could ascertain what happened. They brought her to AIIMS in Delhi where she was diagnosed with dermatomyositis. They gave her steroids which weakened her immune system. The young lady developed a lung infection which infected her body with fluids. Ultimately, she had multi-organ failure. Nitesh Tiwari also condoled the demise of the actress. We extend our condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.
RIP Suhani Bhatnagar: Babita Phogat shares a story and says how this is an extremely devastating loss for everyone associated with Dangal and her family