Richa Chadha, whose recent theatre release Fukrey 3 is performing well at the box office, will next be seen in Netflix’s Heera Mandi, directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. While work is keeping the Ram Leela actress busy, she took some time out to talk to India Today and revealed working with an “insecure actress” once, who tried to block out her light. Stressing on how one actress tried to sabotage her, Richa Chadha told, “I have worked with a very insecure actress recently; she tried to change the script and block out my light. It became obvious to everyone. So, I did ask the DOP to step in and intervene to not block my light because that’s very obvious, and very tacky and very 90s. For me, that person is blacklisted.”
Richa continued, “I will never work with them again, even as a producer. I don’t want to hire such people. I come from theatre background where we work as a team. Filmmaking is the same. For me, that democracy is important between actors and technicians. I don’t like shouting, screaming, abusing on sets because it just ruins the mood and draws you out of your creative process.”
Meanwhile Richa Chadha’s Fukrey 3 have been performing well at the box office. NDTV Saibal Chatterjee in his review of the film wrote, “Varun Sharma dominates the proceedings, but Choocha’s antics have lost their power to raise a chuckle. Eye rolls are all they are likely to get. Pulkit Samrat and Manjot Singh are reduced to glorified bystanders in Fukrey 3. Richa Chadha goes through the motions in a manner of somebody who has had enough of the increasingly repetitious rigmarole. So have we.”
“I will never work with them again, even as a producer,” noted Richa Chadha