Ranbir Kapoor has bagged the Best Actor award for Animal at Filmfare Awards 2024. The Kapoor boy was astonished over this big win and he couldn’t thank enough for the same. As Ranbir Kapoor went on stage and took the best actor award home, he had his speech ready where he adorably mentioned his little daughter Raha Kapoor who is the light of his life. Ranbir Kapoor is extremely thrilled with his win as it was the most awaited one. Bollywoodlife brings the latest entertainment news and TV News updates, so do check out our WhatsApp channel.
Watch the video of Ranbir Kapoor mentioning his daughter Raha Kapoor in the most adorable way possible after winning the Best Actor award at Filmfare 2024.
Ranbir Kapoor who is an obsessed father to his daughter Raha Kapoor mentioned how after her born he has been on a joyful ride and cannot wait to see him home. I’m his speech he said,” Last but not least,” My daughter Raha, you were born and a week later I started the shoot of Animal. And every single day just to come home to you has been the most joyful experience, I love you daughtee. Mama and Papa are bringing you a bua and a massi to play with (he called the awards bua and maasi)”. Remembering his late father Rishi Kapoor Ranbir hoped he is proud of him, “I remember and I feel you, I hope you are happy. ” Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal has been one of the biggest hits of 2023 and the fans are calling him a much deserving winner. Along with Ranbir, his beloved wife and Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt also won the Best Actress award and it’s indeed the most joyful moment for the couple. Raha has definitely bought all the happiness for them.
Filmfare 69th Awards: Ranbir Kapoor wins the best actor award for Animal, cannot wait for his daughter Raha Kapoor to play with the trophy.