Bollywood’s cutest couple Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani have been dating for a long time now. The two are head over heels in love with one another and are all set to take their relationship to the next level. As per reports, Rakul and Jackky will tie the knot on February 21 in Goa. The two paint the town red with their romantic PDAs. Latest entertainment news and TV news updates are just a click away. Join BollywoodLife on WhatsApp. As per the latest report in India Today, Rakul and Jackky will host a grand wedding reception for Bollywood and South celebrities on February 22 in Mumbai. Yes, you read that right! Their pre-wedding festivities have been planned from February 19 to February 21 in Goa. Rakul and Jackky will report exchanging their wedding vows in the presence of their close friends and family members.
Here’s a video of Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani
Their wedding reception will be a lavish event and many high-profile guests including Prime Minister Narendra Modi are expected at the event. The guest list will include celebrities, directors and producers who will attend their reception. As per reports, Rakul and Jackky wanted to have a destination wedding abroad, but they changed plans last-minute aligning with the call from Prime Minister Narendra Modi for families to host celebrations within the country. On the work front, Jackky is currently busy with the production of Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, while Rakul is busy with Indian 2 and Ayalaan. Bollywood’s couple Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani will get married on February 21 and will be hosting a grand wedding reception in Mumbai.