The big, fat celeb wedding of the year is all set to take place this week. Of course we are talking about actor Parineeti Chopra and AAP leader Raghav Chadha. The couple, who got engaged in May this year, will get married on September 24 in Udaipur, Rajasthan. For their wedding, accommodations for around 200 guests have been made. Apart from Punjabi cuisine, the guests will be served Rajasthani delicacies as well. The guests will reportedly be welcomed following Rajasthani culture and rituals. Special white flowers from Kolkata and Delhi have been arranged to decorate the mandap (wedding venue). From the dates, venues and ceremonies, here’s everything we know so far:
Dates And Venues
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s wedding festivities will officially kickstart on September 23 with a welcome lunch for the guests at the Inner Courtyard at around 12:00 to 4:00 PM. Later in the evening, a 90s themed sangeet is scheduled to take place at the Guava Garden of The Leela Palace, Udaipur. After a brief al fresco’ session the same day, Parineeti Chopra’s Choora ceremony will take place at the Maharaja Suite of the venue.
The Big Day
About Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s big day. The festivities for the day will begin with Raghav Chadha’s Sehrabandi ceremony in the afternoon at the luxe Taj Lake Palace. The baarat will leave the Taj Lake Palace at around 2:00 PM. According to sources, Raghav Chadha will take his baraat from Hotel Lake Palace to Hotel Leela Palace via boat. The main ceremony, comprising the jaimala, pheras and the vidai are slated to wrap up around 6:30 PM.
The Reception
The final leg of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s wedding festivities will be a grand reception gala, which will take place at the courtyard of The Leela Palace.
Pre Wedding Festivities
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s pre-wedding festivities began with an Ardas ceremony in Delhi, photos from which went viral on social media. The ceremony was attended by only close friends and family members. Both Parineeti and Raghav Chadha wore matching pink outfits for the festivities.
Sufi Night
After the Ardas ceremony on Wednesday, a musical Sufi Night was hosted in Delhi. Parineeti Chopra’s cousin Priyanka was MIA at the ceremony. However, her mother Madhu Chopra and brother Siddharth attended the ceremony that was organised in Delhi. Madhu Chopra was dressed in her festive best. Cricketer Harbhajan Singh was also on the guest list last night.
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha got engaged in the presence of family members and friends in May in Delhi’s Kapurthala House.
Parineeti Chopra-Raghav Chadha wedding: Here’s the complete wedding schedule