Kriti Sanon is over the moon after receiving the coveted National Award in the Best Actress category for her role in Mimi. On Tuesday afternoon, the actress along with her parents Rahul and Geeta Sanon, attended the National Film Awards ceremony held in Delhi. Kriti Sanon’s parents watched on as the actress went on stage to receive her award from President Droupadi Murmu. Now, hours after the ceremony ended, Kriti Sanon treated her fans to some lovely pictures of herself and her parents posing with the prize. In one picture, Kriti Sanon’s dad can be seen planting a kiss on her cheeks as her mom hugs her tighly. Kriti Sanon captioned the pictures, “The feeling is not easy to describe in words. Today will be one of the most memorable days of my life.”
This is what Kriti Sanon posted:
In another post, Kriti Sanon posted a video of the big moment when she was handed over the prize by the President. For the caption, Kriti wrote, “The Big Moment!! Missed you #Dinoo & @laxman.utekar !! So so much.”
Meanwhile, on receiving the prestigious award, Kriti Sanon said, “Just very very overwhelmed. I feel very blessed & grateful. It is a very special moment, especially for Mimi & also my parents were here watching me. I don’t think I’ve felt this before.”
Ahead of the ceremony, Kriti Sanon shared a reel on Instagram story. She captioned it, “Big Day. butterfly in my stomach…#blessed.”
Kriti Sanon shared her National Award with Alia Bhatt (Gangubai Kathiawadi). Before receiving the award, Kriti Sanon said on the red carpet that she felt “blessed and fortunate” to have been able to play such a layered role. After winning the award, Kriti Sanon said in a statement in August, “I am too excited, almost emotional. I cannot believe this has happened. It is a big moment for me and my entire family. Mimi has been a very very special film and to get the most prestigious award, the National Award for it, I just cannot thank the Jury enough for actually believing that my performance deserved this award.”
Kriti Sanon made her debut with Heropanti alongside Tiger Shroff. She is popular for her performances in movies like Bareilly Ki Barfi, Luka Chuppi, Raabta, Dilwale.
“The feeling is not easy to describe in words,” wrote Kriti Sanon