Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is enjoying a record-smashing run at the box office. The Atlee directorial has earned over Rs 600 crore worldwide. Now, celebrities have also joined the Jawan wave and how. After Keerthy Suresh, Mrunal Thakur grooved to Chaleya and it’s simply awe-dorable. The video was shared by actor Meet Mukhi on Instagram. In the Reels, Mrunal and Meet Mukhi can be seen performing the hook step of Chaleya. In the caption, Meet Mukhi thanked the Sita Ramam actress for making the video despite shooting the entire night. He wrote, “After a pack-up reel with the very sweetest Mrunal Thakur di. Thank you so much, Mrunal di, after shooting the whole night you made a reel with me, you are really sweet and I genuinely hope to work with you soon, I will miss you di.” Take a look:
In the Instagram Reels shared on Wednesday, Keerthy Suresh can be seen dancing to Chaleya with Atlee’s wife Priya. The clip opens with the two grooving to the peppy beats. A few seconds later, Atlee makes a surprise appearance with his pet dog in the background. Towards the end, Atlee makes yet another appearance. Don’t miss Keerthy’s reaction. Posting the video, Keerthy wrote, “Just for fun! Don’t miss the end (Sometimes I just get too excited).” Varun Dhawan and Sanya Malhotra reacted to the video. Check it out here:
Chaleya features Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara. The soulful track has been composed by Anirudh Ravichander. Arijit Singh and Shilpa Rao have lent their vocals to the Hindi version of the song.
Meanwhile, Jawan crossed the ₹ 350 crore mark on Wednesday, reported Sacnilk. The film collected ₹ 23.3 crore on day 7. Within a week of its release, the Atlee directorial has earned ₹ 368.38 crore at the Indian box office.
NDTV’s film critic Saibal Chatterjee gave Jawan 3.5 stars out of 5. He wrote, “On one level, Jawan is a fan service masala film. On another, it is a tale of revenge that is also a political statement, and a loud and clear one at that. Jawan ends with the hero looking straight into the camera – it is positioned in a way that represents the eye of the audience – and tangentially echoing what SRK’s character had said more than once in the action-comedy from a decade ago, Chennai Express (“Don’t underestimate the power of a common man”).”
Jawan also stars Deepika Padukone (special appearance) and Vijay Sethupathi.
The video was shared by actor Meet Mukhi on Instagram.