Mallika Rajput Suicide: Kangana Ranaut’s Revolver Rani co-star found dead under suspicious circumstances in Sultanpur


Mallika Rajput, a popular singer and actress from the regional film industry was found dead at her home in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh. She was found hanging in her room. The police have sent her body for post-mortem and investigations are underway. She died in her home, which is in the Sitakund area of Kotwali Nagar. She is also known as Vijay Lakshmi. The actress had worked with Kangana Ranaut in Revolver Rani. It seems the family is in complete shock. No one has any clue on why she allegedly took such a drastic step. It seems when cops reached there, the neighbours were trying to console her grief-stricken mother.

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Mallika Rajput’s mother shares details

Sumitra Singh, the mother of the deceased actress said they have no idea on when the incident could have happened. She said that the door was closed but lights were on in the room. It seems they tried to open the door but it was locked. She was quoted as saying to India TV, “At last, I looked through the window and saw that she was standing there. When I knocked on the door, I saw that our daughter was hanging. I called my husband and others but she was no more.” The family has not named anyone whom they feel could be responsible behind this incident. The investigating officer Shriram Pandey said that it looks like apparent case of suicide. He said they are awaiting the post-mortem report. The further course of action will be decided thereafter. As per a report in Jagran, Mallika Rajput was living in Mumbai. She got married to Pradeep Shinde five years back. Mallika was also active on YouTube. It seems some domestic issues could have forced her to end her life.  

 Mallika Rajput Suicide: In a shocking incident, the actress and singer was found dead at her home in Sultanpur. Her body was discovered by her mother 

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