Love & War: Renowned Bollywood filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali recently announced his upcoming magnum opus, Love & War, starring Alia Bhatt, Vicky Kaushal, and Ranbir Kapoor. The movie is set to release in theatres on Christmas 2025. Since the announcement, rumors have been circulating that Bhansali’s next film is based on the 1964 movie Sangam, which starred Raj Kapoor, Vyjayanthimala, and Rajendra Kumar. However, Bhansali is not the only filmmaker who wanted to make a movie based on Sangam. Karan Johar also expressed interest in making a movie on the same lines and had even selected actors to star in the film.
Karan Johar wanted to make Sangam remake with these THREE actors
In a recent episode of Koffee with Karan 8, Ranveer Singh, who appeared with Deepika Padukone, asked Karan Johar about the Sangam remake he had planned with Ranbir, Deepika, and himself. Johar asked Deepika if she was interested to which she replied with a yes. Karan Johar also mentioned that he is eager to make the Sangam remake with Deepika, Ranbir, and Ranveer.
Love & War: Do you know, that before filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Karan Johar expressed his desire to make Sangam remake with these three actors? Read on to know more.