Leo starring Thalapathy Vijay is releasing on Netflix today. But there’s a twist. The film also starring Sanjay Dutt, Trisha Krishnan and more celebs cooked up a box office storm upon its release on 19th October. The worldwide box office collection of Leo is said to be around Rs 604.1 crores. And now, fans who couldn’t catch it in theatres or want to watch the movie again will be able to enjoy it from today on Netflix.
Netflix shares latest update on Thalapathy Vijay, Sanjay Dutt starrer Leo movie
BollywoodLife is now on WhatsApp. Click here to join for the latest Entertainment News. A couple of hours ago, the OTT giant took to its official social media handle and dropped a teaser video ahead of its release. The streaming platform reveals that the Indian fans of Thalapathy Vijay, Sanjay Dutt and the rest of the star cast will get to watch Leo from today (24 November). Leo will be available for streaming on Netflix from 12:30 p.m. onwards. Leo will be released in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi languages. However, the international fans will have to wait a couple of days more. As per the latest post on Leo’s OTT release, the streaming platform mentions that the global release of Leo will happen on 28th November. An English version of Leo will also be released. Netflix has not announced a date for the same.
Check out the latest update about the Leo OTT release here:
Watch this Leo movie video here:
Mansoor Ali Khan’s distasteful comments about Leo movie actress Trisha Krishnan courts controversy
A couple of days ago, a video surfaced online of Leo actor Mansoor Ali Khan. In an interview, Mansoor Ali Khan talked about having no scene with Trisha in the movie. He shared that he expected one scene, a bedroom scene which he specialises in. His remarks did not go down well and fans and the industry slammed him for the same. A couple of days ago, Mansoor refused to apologize for his remark. He slammed Nadigar Sangam for issuing a statement and putting a ban on him, claiming they should have reached out to him and asked for an explanation at first. A couple of hours ago, the actor reportedly visited the police station for enquiry on the matter.
Leo is all set for its OTT release. Thalapathy Vijay, Trisha Krishnan and Sanjay Dutt starrer new movie has an update on the same.