Krishna Kaul and Mugdha Chaphekar impressed us as Ranbir and Prachi in Kumkum Bhagya. The love story received all the love. However, the story of Ranbir and Prachi has come to an end and we have the new lead couple. Abrar Qazi and Rachi Sharma play the lead roles in the show. They are seen as Rajvansh and Purvi and the new story has been quite interesting. The new cast of the show started recently. Gurpreet Bedi had entered the show as the negative lead opposite Krishna. However, within a few months of her entry, she has left the show. Yes, Gurpreet Bedi is no longer in Kumkum Bhagya. For all the TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp.
Gurpreet Bedi quits Kumkum Bhagya within a few months
As per Etimes, she is replaced by Kavita Banerjee. A source close to the portal said that Kavita has replaced Gurpreet and she will be seen as Trishna. It is a negative character. Gurpreet spoke to portal and said that the news is true. She said she was doing Kumkum Bhagya but they have mutually decided to part ways. She said that the role she was given was a long one but later the makers changed the script and made it like a cameo and she didn’t want to do it. She said they are still working on the script. She is looking at doing something substantial as she knows her potential as an actor. Earlier, Gurpreet had spoken about how happy she was to be a part of Kumkum Bhagya. She said that Kumkum Bhagya has been on air for ten years and it is a prestigious show and it is her honour to be a part of the show. She had even shared about her character in the show.
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She had said viewers will witness many layers and grey shades of the character. Gurpreet Bedi has quit Kumkum Bhagya within months. Now, as per reports, Kavita Banerjee has replaced her in the show,