Korean Woman Arrested For Throwing Her Infant Out The Patio


On December 3 (KST), South Korea’s Gwangju Seobu Police Station arrested a 25-year-old “Woman A” for the murder of her 6-month-old child.

Gwangju Seobu Police Station | The Korea Daily

According to police reports, Woman A was arrested at the site of the crime scene, intoxicated. The investigation has since revealed that she and her husband had a heated argument over debt.

Picture for illustrative purposes only. | Money Today

At 6 AM, Woman A is said to have “thrown” the child over the patio of her apartment on the 15th floor. Another resident from the same apartment building found the deceased infant and reported the incident to the police.

Typical apartments in Korea. Picture for illustrative purposes only. | Kwangju Ilbo

The news sparked outrage from Koreans who demanded Woman A to be prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

| theqoo “Lunatic. I hope she rots in hell.” “I work with debt consolidation… and I’ve seen a lot of married couple fight over debts that go undisclosed. I hope all married couples talk about their finances. And as for this woman, I don’t understand how she decided to bring her vulnerable child into the situation. This is heartbreaking.” “Sigh… What did the child ever do?” “What the f*ck?! What a failure of a human.” “She should’ve tossed herself instead. What did the child do to deserve a death so tragic? This is insane.” [Deleted Comment] “Whaaat… At 6 months old, children are so small and fragile that it’s LITERALLY frightening to even touch…” “CRAZY.” “Should’ve thrown herself out the patio, what the f*ck?!” “Tears.“ “Rage is ALWAYS targeting the weak and the vulnerable.”

This is not the first time an infant was victimized mid-argument between a married couple. In 2019, the same police station investigated another woman for having thrown her 9-month-old child out the patio.

Woman Arrested For Throwing Her 9-Month-Old Baby Out The Apartment Window After Fighting With Her Boyfriend

 May the baby rest in peace. 

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