Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are reportedly going to make an appearance on Karan Johar‘s show Koffee With Karan 8, and it has been confirmed by many entertainment portals that B Town’s most loved couple will be the first guests on the show. As the news is making headlines about Deepika and Ranveer coming together and being the first guests on the show, fans are excited to see what the Padmaavat couple will talk about. Here are a few suggestions for Karan Johar that fans want him to ask the IT couple of Bollywood.
Address the divorce rumours.
As Karan Johar’s favourite word is conjecture, he will definitely quiz the couple about the rumours of separation that often make headlines. We wonder if Deepika and Ranveer will address this question.
Trolled for a fake OTT PDA
Ranveer and Deepika often face criticism for faking their PDA when they make public appearances. Will Karan be intrigued to ask them about this? Well, he should.
Baby on board
The fans of Deepika and Ranveer Singh are eagerly waiting for the couple to talk about the family planning, and Karan is the right person to ask them about this as it’s too personal. Why do you ask? Remember, KJo had revealed that it was only Deepika who was aware of him having a surrogate baby and twins? She is a secret keeper for life.
Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are coming back together with a film.
Their chemistry is something that creates fireworks at the box office, and it’s been a long time since they’ve shared the screen, barring the cameo of DP in Kabir Khan’s 83. Karan should definitely make them spill the beans. Are you excited?
Unknown facts about Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s love story
We haven’t seen the couple go all out and speak about their love story and KWK 8 is the right place, No?
Koffee With Karan 8: Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh to be the first guest on Karan Johar’s show, and this is what the filmmaker should talk about with them in the chat show.