On the latest episode of Karan Johar’s chat show Koffee With Karan 8, Varun Dhawan and Sidharth Malhotra were the guests. Their fellow Student Of The Year co-star Alia Bhatt, who was MIA from the couch, sent a special message via a video. Alia says in the beginning of the video, “We made our debut together on the Koffee With Karan couch. Unforgettable debut because of my unforgettable mistake (the President answer oopsie). But I had to be a part of this episode in some way. I am so glad that Koffee has asked me to give this byte because otherwise I would have felt major FOMO.”
Alia Bhatt, in the video, shared some little-known facts about her co-stars. Alia, who dated her Kapoor & Sons co-star Sidharth Malhotra briefly, revealed that her pet pooch Edward was a gift from him. Alia said, “Sid is actually a really good singer. He is a very healthy person, so he doesn’t party at all, but he is the best person to get a party started, so this is the inherent Punjabi in him. He just knows how to get people going, he’s really good. Also, he is really hilarious, he is the first person to fall asleep at his own birthday party. Sid takes a while to open up, so there is a distance, says hi hello, very chivalrous, very well mannered, that’s generally how he is. The basic thing is that he has got very warm and kind eyes. That is also why he has such a massive fan following. I am very thankful to Sid, because he has given me my first love of my life, Edward.”
Alia, who has worked with Varun Dhawan in multiple projects, revealed three things about Varun that are little known. “He calls banana banena. Number two is pretty sweet actually. Whenever he gets a call from a family member, or like an aunt, he answers the phone with Pairi pauna. I mean, I don’t think it’s a fact that is lesser known but its a fact that every knows that he is very competitive, especially with me.”
Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan and Sidharth Malhotra made their Bollywood debuts together with Karan Johar’s Student Of The Year in 2012.
“He is really hilarious, he is the first person to fall asleep at his own birthday party,” said Alia Bhatt about Sidharth Malhotra