The adrenaline-packed reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 is keeping viewers on the edge of their seats with daring stunts and unexpected twists. In a recent episode, host Rohit Shetty added a touch of romance to the intense competition. During a behind-the-scenes chat, Shalin Bhanot, one of the contestants, playfully asked Niyati Fatnani, Aditi Sharma, and Krishna Shroff who would agree to go on a date with him. Niyati, known for her fearlessness, responded, “I’m ready, but only if I’m in.” Shalin Bhanot teased her, saying, “Seriously? You won’t change your mind later?” Niyati clarified, “If the ‘fear fanda’ is removed, then it’s fine.” And just like that, a date proposal was born! But the drama didn’t end there. In the next stunt, Niyati faced off against Krishna Shroff in a daring snake challenge. Niyati emerged victorious, shedding her fear and earning the chance to go on that promised date. Host Rohit Shetty cheekily asked, “Niyati, you got rid of the ‘fear fanda.’ Now, are you ready for the date?”
Here’s a video of Shalin Bhanot
Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 premiered on July 27, 2024, featuring a star-studded lineup including Asim Riaz, Abhishek Kumar, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, and more. With eliminations already shaking up the game, the show promises more thrills, spills, and perhaps even a little romance. The latest one to get eliminated is Krishna Shroff, whereas Gashmeer Mahajani has been consistently performing well, impressing both the host Rohit Shetty and the audience. Stay tuned to BollywoodLife for more Entertainment News on the heart-pounding action and unexpected connections on Khatron Ke Khiladi 14. Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 is drawing attention for all the stunts, fun and entertainment. In a recent episode, Shalin Bhanot expressed his wish to go on a date with Niyati Fatnani.