Rapper, song-writer and composer Dino James has emerged as the winner of Khatron Ke Khiladi 13. It looks like he came, he saw and he conquered. Dino James had said that he would definitely take home the trophy. He said that he is a fitness freak and does not fear anything. Born in Madhya Pradesh, Dino James is from a Malayalee Christian from Kerala. The second runners-up is Arjit Taneja while the third place is taken by Aishwarya Sharma. Fans of Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 also saw Salman Khan who came to announce the new season from tomorrow. We saw a car stunt between Shiv Thakare and Arjit Taneja. It was won by the latter. The two had to take keys and drive a car through hurdles. Arjit drove the car really fast and it had a blast. Then, he had to drive it through a ramp inside a van. There was one more blast.
Fans hail Dino James
Dino James has been one of the best players of the season. He did every stunt and stayed away from unnecessary drama. Everyone felt that Dino James and Arjit Taneja were two of the best contestants. Arjit loved the car blast stunt and said he felt like a hero of a Rohit Shetty film. People are also discovering the songs of Dino James after this. Soundous Moufakir looked delighted at the win of Arjit Taneja. This time, the show did not trend as much on social media. People liked contestants like Arjit Taneja, Dino James and Rashmeet.
Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 Grand Finale Winner: Public favourite and rapper Dino James has taken home the trophy of Rohit Shetty’s show