A special screening for the web series Call Me Bae was held in Mumbai, bringing together many Bollywood stars. The event took place before the show’s official release on September 6, 2024, on Amazon Prime. Ananya Panday, who is making her web series OTT debut, looked stunning in a green dress. Other famous faces at the screening included Kartik Aaryan, Sara Ali Khan, and Suhana Khan, among others. Sara arrived with her brother Ibrahim Ali Khan. At the screening, Kartik Aaryan and Sara Ali Khan were the centre of attention. The rumoured ex-lovers greeted each other with warm hugs and laughter. Several videos and pictures of them hugging and talking have gone viral, and many fans on social media are excited to see them together. Some even asked them to get back together and start dating again. Further in this entertainment news, a fanpage shared their videos and one of the comments reads, “Emotions are at peak fr!”. Another fan commented, “Love Aj Kal & Forever.”
Watch the video below:
The rumours about Kartik and Sara started a few years ago when Sara mentioned on Koffee with Karan that she had a crush on Kartik. Soon after, they were seen together and worked in Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal 2, which only fuelled the dating rumours. Even though they never confirmed their relationship, fans have always loved their chemistry. With these new pictures and videos from the screening, fans are hoping they will reunite. On the work front, Kartik Aaryan was last seen in the movie Chandu Champion. Directed by Kabir Khan, it was a sports biographical drama which mostly received positive reviews. The actor will be next seen in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, a horror-comedy directed by Anees Bazmee. The film also stars Vidya Balan, Madhuri Dixit and Triptii Dimri and will hit theatres on November 1, 2024. On the other hand, Sara Ali Khan had two OTT releases this year: Murder Mubarak and Ae Watan Mere Watan. The actress’ next includes Metro… In Dino, Sky Force and Eagle.
Watch a video on Kartik Aaryan
Speaking of Call Me Bae, directed by Collin D’Cunha, it also stars Vir Das, Gurfateh Pirzada, Varun Sood, Vihaan Samat and Muskkaan Jaferi. Kartik Aayan and Sara Ali Khan attended the Call Me Bae premiere in Mumbai on Wednesday. Check out how their fans have reacted to their videos and photos.