Kareena Kapoor’s The Buckingham Murders premiered at the opening night of the MAMI Film Festival in Mumbai on Friday. Of course Kareena Kapoor’s sister Karisma was there to cheer for her. On her Instagram profile, Karisma shared a photo with Kareena and she wrote, “Always your biggest cheerleader. Can’t wait for everyone to see what you have done in The Buckhingham Murders.” She added the hashtags #JioMAMIMumbaiFilmFestival2023 and #sisterlove to the post. In the comments section, Kareena’s BFF Malaika Arora dropped heart emojis.
Meanwhile, on her Instagram story, Karisma shared a still from the film and she wrote, “What a gripping and gut wrenching film, Fabulous performance by the sister who had me in tears and and such excellent performances by every cast member Loved it. Congrats to the entire team#TheBuckingham Murders.”
See Karisma Kapoor’s posts for Kareena here:
Meanwhile, the official Instagram page of MAMI Film Festival shared photos from the film’s premiere and the caption on it read, “A great start to a much awaited festival, The Buckingham Murders received a great reception today at the opening ceremony. The entire cast and crew being present for the screening made the South Asian premiere of the film a staggering success. Swipe for some special moments from the screening.”
In terms of work, Kareena Kapoor was last seen in Jaane Jaan, co-starring Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat. The actress will also be seen in Rhea Kapoor’s The Crew, alongside Tabu, Kriti Sanon and Diljit Dosanjh.
Karisma Kapoor’s next project titled Brown. Her breakout film was Raja Hindustaani, opposite Aamir Khan. She featured in several hit films including Dil To Pagal Hai, Judwaa, Biwi No 1 among others. Apart from commercially successful films, Karisma also starred in critically acclaimed movies like Zubeidaa and Fiza to name a few. Karisma Kapoor was also seen in the 2012 film Dangerous Ishhq.
“What a gripping and gut wrenching film,” Karisma Kapoor wrote