Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan left everyone surprised when she admitted that she was unaware that the 2007 movie Jab We Met would become a blockbuster. The beautiful actress played the role of Geet and her on-screen chemistry with Shahid Kapoor‘s character made fans fall for their jodi. Well, Geet character is still loved and remembered by all. Kareena revealed how unexpected it was for her because she had all her bets on Tashan starring Saif Ali Khan, Anil Kapoor and Akshay Kumar in main roles. Kareena was shooting for Tashan and Jab We Met simultaneously. During an interview with Anupama Chopra, Kareena Kapoor Khan spoke her heart out about Jab We Met and how things changed after the film did wonders at the box office. She said that she was in this whole zone of getting size zero as she was working in Tashan with Akshay, Anil and Saif. She also added that she was playing the main part and it was a Yash Raj film. She also said that she was doing action for the first time and whenever she came on the sets of Jab We Met she would be like ‘you know please I need to train because I am going for action training.’ Kareena is one of the most talked about celebrities in Entertainment News.
Watch Kareena Kapoor Khan’s video interview
She said that she never thought, the reverse situation actually happened, as she had all her bets on Tashan. Jab We Met was released in 2007 and directed by Imtiaz Ali. Kareena revealed that she was shattered and depressed for six months and could not believe that Tashan bombed. She then said that she met Saif on the sets of Tashan and she feels that she did that for him and thought that would change her life. She said that it actually changed her career and that changed her life. She later said that Shahid and she parted ways and the gem came out of it.
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On the work front, Kareena Kapoor Khan was seen in Crew. She will next be seen in Hansal Mehta’s crime thriller The Buckingham Murders. She also has Rohit Shetty’s Singham Again in her kitty. Singham Again star Kareena Kapoor Khan recently spoke about her and Shahid Kapoor parting their ways.