Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan was last in Jaane Jaan released on Netflix. The actress has worked with all three Khans of Bollywood including Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan. Bebo shared screen space with SRK in Ra-One, Ashoka, Don and Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, whereas she was seen with Aamir in Talaash: The Answer Lies Within, 3 Idiots and Laal Singh Chaddha and in Bajrangi Bhaijaan and Bodyguard with Salman Khan. Recently, Kareena in an interview with Mid-Day India spoke about how it was completely different working with Aamir and Shah Rukh. Bebo said that Aamir is quite focused and has become the character that he is working on. She further added that Aamir likes to live with those people whom he works with and talks about the film. She even says that she is a huge Aamir fan as per entertainment news. At times, Kareena tells Aamir to calm down a bit as he gets obsessive about the film. Kareena gushed about Shah Rukh Khan’s latest film Jawan and said that the emperor everything that people are calling him is less. SRK is made of something else, he is made of a special cloth that nobody is made of. She added saying that Shah Rukh Khan works towards each and every person on the set and not just his character. He is even bothered about the lightman and SRK is quite kind and concerned. She praised him as she said that SRK is doing everything at the same time as he is a multitasker. He even makes everyone feel comfortable. She said that after Jawan Shah Rukh Khan is the biggest star. On the work front, Kareena was praised for her role in Jaane Jaan.
Jaane Jaan actress Kareena Kapoor Khan talks about how working with Shah Rukh Khan is different from Aamir Khan. Here’s what she said.