Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan turns 43 today. In a career spanning over two decades, Kareena has established herself as one of the most sought after and popular stars in the Hindi film industry. On her birthday, the actor makes her OTT debut with the Netflix film Jaane Jaan. While Kareena enjoys a massive fan base, the actor also has a happy personal life and is often seen spending time off work with her family. For an actor who has been on top of the ladder for such a long time, what’s in store for the upcoming year? Here’s Kareena Kapoor Khan’s birthday forecast.
Kareena Kapoor Khan birthday prediction
Kareena Kapoor Khan celebrates her 43rd birthday on September 21. According to renowned celebrity astrologer Acharya Vinod Kumar Ojha, the actor is all set to witness more success this year. The actor’s birthday forecast includes a grand and successful return to the movies in the coming months. Kareena is already busy with the shooting of several films, including Rhea Kapoor’s The Crew, which is slated for a theatrical release next year. The film also stars Tabu and Kriti Sanon in the lead roles with Kapil Sharma and Diljit Dosanjh in cameos.
The forecast further revealed that Kareena is a graceful, confident and skillful professional. The actor is advised to focus on her well-being in the coming year and make it a priority. With her confidence and independence, the actor has stability and continued success written in the stars for her.
Kareena Kapoor Khan’s upcoming projects
On the work front, Kareena will be making her OTT debut today with the mystery thriller film Jaane Jaan. The film directed by Sujoy Ghosh also stars Jaideep Ahlawat and Vijay Verma. The actor will next be seen in Hansal Mehta’s The Birmingham Murders, which will have its world premiere at the London film festival next month. Kareena also has Singham 3 with Ajay Devgn in her kitty and will begin shooting for the film next month and the film will be released worldwide on August 15, 2024. The actor will also be seen in The Crew, slated for a theatrical release next year.
Kareena Kapoor Khan birthday prediction: Here’s what the stars have in store for the Jaane Jaan star.