Actors Johny Lever, Sachin Pilgaonkar, Raja Murad, Yashpal Sharma, Jaaved Jaaferi, Aditya Pancholi, singer Sudesh Bhosale paid their last respects to veteran actor Junior Mehmood in Mumbai on Friday. The actor, who was battling with cancer, died on Thursday night at the age of 67 at his Mumbai home. A few days back, comedian and actor Johny Lever met ailing Junior Mehmood. Speaking of his friendship with Junior Mehmood, Johny Lever told ANI, “Our relationship was one that I will never forget until I die. Seeing his performance, I used to wonder whether I too could perform like this. He was my inspiration. We have seen him as a big star. He was a star from the time he was young and people used to go to the movies just to see him.” Take a look at the pictures here:
Junior Mehmood and Sachin Pilgaonkar worked together as child artists in several projects such as Bachpan, Brahmachari and Geet Gaata Chal. Sharing a throwback picture with the late actor, Sachin Pilgaonkar paid an emotional tribute to him. He wrote, “My childhood friend and co-actor Jr Mehmood sadly passed away. I have so many beautiful memories with him that I will always cherish. Om shanti.” Take a look:
Junior Mehmood expressed his wish to meet Jeetendra and Sachin Pilgaonkar a few days back. Both the actors obliged his last wish. Writer-director Khalid Mohamed shared a childhood image of Junior Mehmood and wrote on X, “Junior Mehmood, yesteryear’s adorable child star, is in hospital with 4th stage cancer. He has expressed his wish to meet Jeetendra whom he often co-starred with and childhood friend Sachin Pilgaonkar to visit him, please Jeetendra saab, Sachin ji grant him what could be his last wish.” In response to this, Sachin Pilgaonkar’s daughter Shriya Pilgaonkar wrote, “Papa is in touch and visited him today.” Take a look:
Here’s an image of Jeetendra and Johnny Lever visiting Junior Mehmood at home, shared by a fan.
Jeetendra and Sachin Pilgaonkar visit their ailing friend Junior Mehmood – See photo
Junior Mehmood, a veteran artist diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer, expresses desire to reunite with friends Jeetendra and Sachin Pilgaonkar. Jeetendra and Sachin visit Mehmood, offering…
— Johny Bava (@johnybava) December 6, 2023
Junior Mehmood’s family confirmed his death today. “My father passed away at 2.00 am following his battle with stomach cancer. He was in a critical condition since last 17 days. He had lost 35-40 kg in a month,” Hasnain Sayyed, Junior Mehmood’s younger son, told news agency PTI.
Junior Mehmood worked in more than 260 films across languages. They are Brahmachari, Kati Patang, Hare Raama Hare Krishna, Geet Gaata Chal, Imaandaar, Baap Numbri Beta Dus Numbri, Aaj Ka Arjun, Gurudev, Chhote Sarkar and Judaai among many others. He also appeared in TV shows such as Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaara and Ek Rishta Saajhedari Ka.
Junior Mehmood died on Thursday night after battling with cancer