Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi starrer Jawan is among the biggest Bollywood releases of this year. South director Atlee has ventured into Bollywood with Jawan and he has proved that he is the king of massy films. Jawan is breaking several records at the box office with its fabulous run at the box office. Shah Rukh Khan, Atlee and all the other stars are basking in all the success. Director Atlee is now talking about the film’s success and more through interviews. In a recent interview, Atlee spoke about the criticism received by Jawan from some South fans.
Atlee reacts to criticism on Jawan by some South fans
In an interview with DNA, Atlee spoke about some fans criticising the film and stating that it is pretty similar to the films he has made in the past. Some South fans drew comparisons between Mersal and Jawan due to the message shared by the film. Over this, Atlee said that he is aware of such comments. He added that some people expect something while others surprise. He believes that people will always have something to say and that is okay. Atlee said that he will learn and get better. The director was quoted saying, “But overall, what was my target audience, what was my intention of making this film? I wanted to make a commercial with responsibility. And, I made it. And even my fans are in South are going really gaga about the film. And I’ve got new fans in the North, and they are also. So I’m happy in that space. Of course, for any product, there will be a little dissatisfaction.” Atlee also spoke about Jawan 2. He said that he has not started thinking about his next project as yet as he is enjoying Jawan‘s success.
Check out Atlee’s video below:
Jawan box office update
Talking about Jawan‘s box office success, Shah Rukh Khan starrer has crossed the mark of Rs 900 crore with its global box office collection. Within 14 days, Jawan has managed to reach the mark. Now, it’s next target is Pathaan’s record. Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan is among the highest grossing films with its box office collection being more than Rs 1000 crores. Jawan is on its track to beat Pathaan. Entertainment news is now all about Shah Rukh Khan creating history.
With Jawan, director Atlee has proved that he is among the top directors in the country. Shah Rukh Khan’s massy film is enthralling all.