Jawan wave is here to stay. The film, which released in theatres on September 7, managed to earn more than Rs 366 crore (Hindi version) at the domestic box office. The movie managed to earn this number within nine days of its release. Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh predicts in his report that the movie will “Comfortably cross” Rs 400 crore on its second weekend. The movie earned Rs 18.10 crore on Friday alone. According to Taran Adarsh, Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan has an “Uninterrupted run” ahead. Taran Adarsh wrote in his Instagram post, “350 NOT OUT… Jawan swims past Rs 350 cr mark on Day 9 [second Fri], should comfortably cross Rs 400 cr in Weekend 2 itself… SUPERB HOLD on [second] Fri paves way for a FANTASTIC, UNINTERRUPTED RUN, going forward… [Week 2] Fri 18.10 cr. Total: ₹ 366.08 cr.Hindi India biz. Boxoffice.” The Tamil and Telugu versions of the movie earned total Rs 44.35 crore at the box office.
Take a look at Taran Adarsh’s post here:
Jawan has been shattering box office records ever since it released – it is Bollywood’s biggest opener and fetched its fastest ₹ 300 crore. Many of the records Jawan is smashing are already owned by Shah Rukh Khan – his previous release Pathaan reset box office benchmarks that are now being demolished by Jawan.
Jawan opened to stellar reviews from both critics and fans. In his review for NDTV, film critic Saibal Chatterjee gave the film 3.5 stars out of 5. He wrote, “Who is better equipped to do all this than SRK, who, even when he plays a larger-than-life action hero on a mission to take down a powerful industrialist who has wronged him and his nation in more ways than one, can stay rooted in the real world and animate the canvas with humanity even as he projects an invincible, superhero-like persona?”
Jawan was released in theatres on September 7