Guilty star Akansha Ranjan Kumar threw a lavish birthday party for her friends and family on Sunday night, which was attended by her Bollywood BFFs Alia Bhatt, Athiya Shetty, Vaani Kapoor and others. Now a day after the celebration, Akansha’s friend Orhan Awatramani has shared some stunning inside pictures from the party featuring the birthday girl and her star friends. In the first story posted by Orry, he wished Akansha and wrote, “Wish you a very very happy birth anniversary.”
Take a look at the picture here:
What followed next were snaps of Orry with Akansha’s BFFs Athiya, Ahan, sister Anushka and her husband Aditya among others. However, what has us hooked is this lovely picture of Alia Bhatt, slaying in a blue dress. Among the many pictures shared, Orry also shared a picture of himself hugging Alia Bhatt.
This is the picture we were talking about:
Here are pictures of the other guests at Akansha’s party:
Meanwhile, the Bhatt sisters Alia and Shaheen made heads turn as they attended friend Akansha Ranjan Kapoor’s 30th birthday bash on Sunday night. Alia Bhatt, who flew into Mumbai with her husband Ranbir Kapoor after a long holiday in the USA, made a stunning appearance at her BFF’s birthday party in a lovely blue dress. Accompanying her was none other than her elder sibling, Shaheen Bhatt, who amped up the style quotient of the party in a beautiful red number. In a couple of fan videos shared online, the sisters were seen smiling widely and posing for the paparazzi stationed at the venue.
Sister Duo: Alia Bhatt and Shaheen Bring the Glamour to Akansha Ranjan’s Birthday Bash! ? #CelebrationTime
— Filmy Drama (@FilmyDrama) September 17, 2023
On the work front, Alia Bhatt will be next seen in Jee Le Zaraa, alongside Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra.
Alia Bhatt was accompanied by her sister Shaheen at Akansha’s birthday party