At the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa, Sunny Deol was one of the many celebs that attended. The actor attended the event alongside filmmakers Anil Sharma and Rajkumar Santoshi. During the event, Sunny Deol talked about the success of his latest release Gadar 2, about his character Tara Singh and more. The actor got emotional talking about his film journey at the event after filmmaker Rajkumar Santoshi praised him. “I believe that the industry has not done justice to Sunny’s talent. But God has done justice,” the Ghayal director said, stated The Indian Express. Reacting to Rajkumar Santoshi’s comment, Sunny Deol said, “I just get too emotional, its my problem” as he wiped his tears.
Speaking about the roles he has done so far, Sunny Deol said, “I remember when I met people from the army, the navy and the air force … The faith they had in the films I made, that is where my positivity came from. Like I have said in previous interviews that mujhe laga ki rab mere andar agaya hai”
About his character Tara Singh from the Gadar series of films, Sunny Deol said, “Jo Tara Singh hai, everyone wants to be like Tara Singh. A wife would want her husband to be like Tara. The husband would want the wife to be like Sakeena.” About the stellar success of his film, he said, “The way Gadar succeeded, I had never expected.”
Check out the videos of Sunny Deol from the event here:
Sunny Deol on Tara Singh.
Sunny Deol is best-known for featuring in movies like Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, Ghayal, Big Brother, Damini, Darr, Border and Tridev. He co-starred with brother Bobby Deol in films like Apne, Yamla Pagla Deewana film series and Poster Boys. After acting, Sunny Deol ventured into politics. He was last seen in the blockbuster Gadar 2.
Sunny Deol talked about Gadar 2, Tara Singh and more